To: Rishi Sunak
UK: Stop drilling for oil - Ecuador is leading the way
Dear Prime minister,
The people of Ecuador have just voted overwhelmingly to stop drilling for oil in the Amazon - doing ALL of us a favour - and despite the severe loss of income that is resulting from this decision.
We in the UK should contribute to compensation for that loss of income, but even more so: We, as a rich nation, should be ashamed to continue drilling for oil/promoting fossil fuel. Please revoke the permission to drill for (more) oil in the North Sea.
The people of Ecuador have just voted overwhelmingly to stop drilling for oil in the Amazon - doing ALL of us a favour - and despite the severe loss of income that is resulting from this decision.
We in the UK should contribute to compensation for that loss of income, but even more so: We, as a rich nation, should be ashamed to continue drilling for oil/promoting fossil fuel. Please revoke the permission to drill for (more) oil in the North Sea.
Why is this important?
It is hypocritical to demand a stop of all damage to the world's rain forests - while continuing to promote policies in 'the North' that promote fossil fuel/climate change.